1) *Project Manager* - is a Person who thinks nine women can deliver a baby in One month..
2) *Developer* - is a Person who thinks it will take 18 months to deliver a Baby.
3) *Onsite Coordinator* - is one who thinks single woman can deliver nine babies in one month.
4) *Client* - is the one who doesn't know why he wants a baby.
5) *Marketing Manager* - is a person who thinks he can deliver a baby even if no man and woman are available.
6) *Resource Optimization Team* - thinks they don't need a man or woman; they'll produce a child with zero resources.
7) *Documentation Team* - thinks they don't care whether the child is delivered, they'll just document 9 months.
8) *Quality Auditor* - is the person who is never happy with the PROCESS to produce a baby.
And last but not the least.................
9) *Tester* - is a person who always tells his wife that this is not the Right baby.
Ha ha ha...so true...lol
ဒါေလး အေတာ္သေဘာက်တာ။ ဒီမနက္ အလုပ္မွာ ျပန္ၿပီး forword လုပ္လိုက္ေသးတယ္။
Project Manager ကို သေဘာအက်ဆံုးပဲ ဗ်ိဳ႕။
ဒါနဲ ့ JulyDream ခုတေလာ အခ်ိန္ပိုေလးေတြ ရေနတယ္ ထင္တယ္။ ဘေလာ့ update အေတာ္ေလး လုပ္တာေတြ ့ရတယ္။ အျမဲဖတ္ ျဖစ္ေနပါတယ္။ ..
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